9/19/22- Using the link below chose three new words that made Webster's Dictionary and explain why you chose them. Please do not use your last name when posting.
9/19/2022 08:04:15 am
I chose these 3 words because:
9/22/2022 11:24:18 am
metaverse: because this is one f my favorite hobbies
9/19/2022 08:06:52 am
I chose the words LAGGY SIDE HUSTLE , and LEVEL UP because side hustle is a cool word and I want to get a side hustle for the money. In addition, level up is a good way is a that you have gotten better at a certain thing. Finally, I chose the word Laggy because its a popular online word whenever your internet is really slow or bad and its a good way to make people mad.
9/20/2022 11:24:57 am
I chose the words Hoglet, Galentine's day, and Pumpkin spice. I chose Hoglet because I thought it sounded funny and weird so I wanted to see what it really meant. I chose Galentine's day second because if you replace the G with a V it would spell "Valentine's day" so I thought since it was with a G I thought it would be the opposite of valentine's day. For example, hate instead of love. I chose Pumpkin spice as my third word because it reminded me of fall/halloween season and I love when it's that time around. the sweet halloween/fall treats are the best.
Mr. G
9/19/2022 08:27:18 am
Please remember that we monitor this website and reserve the right to delete any irrelevant comments pertaining to the assignment.
Laura Young-Squire
9/19/2022 08:27:30 am
I chose the words Cringe, Pumpkin Spice, and Sus. I chose Cringe because it's something I do a lot. I chose Pumpkin Spice because it's my most favorite flavor EVER. The Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks is so so good. And I chose sus because everyone used to say it so much when we played Among Us.
Victoria Jiang
9/19/2022 08:33:20 am
The words I chose was banh-mi, hoglet, and magnet fishing. I chose these because banh-mi sounds like food I really want to try. Hoglet I chose because I didn't know they didn't have a name for a baby hedgehog until now. Magnet fishing sounds like something I might want to try in the future because I've never done it and it sounds easier than actual fishing.
Alex Y.
9/19/2022 08:34:41 am
Supply Chain, metaverse, lag
Casey C
9/19/2022 08:37:31 am
I chose laggy, video doorbell, and sus because-
I chose these three words:
The first word I chose was the word 'Dumbphone', this word means sort of like a decoy phone that doesn't really have any important software, usually advanced software. I actually used to have one of these Dumbphones, so it was cool to see this word online. The second word I chose was the word 'Metaverse' this word means a persistent virtual environment that allows access to and interoperability of multiple individual virtual realities. I like this word because I spend a lot of time digitally and the word is pretty fun to say... It's like a big word. The last word is 'Laggy' I liked this word because when I am online I sometimes lag a bit, so now that this is a official word, I can use it.
9/19/2022 09:17:19 am
I chose the words Dawn Chorus, Terraform, and Pumpkin Spice. Dawn Chorus refers to a selection of bird chirps that most commonly follows the sunrise, primarily during the warmer seasons. Terraform is a term commonly used to describe the manipulation and sometimes art of changing or modifying the land (also used in minecraft building terms). Pumpkin spice is a selection of spices commonly used in fall treats (pumpkin pie, squash, pumpkin latte, etc.) usually including cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. I picked these words because I like birds and have been researching them for ages, Pumpkin Pie is good and so are the flavors associated with it, and I was exposed to the word Terraform through minecraft.
9/19/2022 09:18:10 am
The first word I choose is sus. During quarantine I had no way to interact with my friends. However with a new game release, I was able to play and talk with my friends. The second is false-positive. My brother got a false positive. At first it sacred everyone. Luckily we figured out it was false. The last word I choose is level up because I would always play games that require leveling up.
9/19/2022 09:27:33 am
magnet fishing, free dive, cringe i chose these words because i find them all interesting. Magnet fishing is the sport or hobby of using a strong magnet attached to the end of a rope to find metal objects in bodies of water. Free dive is to swim beneath the surface of water especially at considerable depth without a portable breathing device and typically with a face mask and one or two flippers : to engage in free diving. Cringe so embarrassing, awkward, etc. as to cause one to cringe :
The 3 words I Chose:
Lucas R
9/19/2022 09:28:32 am
I chose the words sus janky and pwn. I chose the word sus because I feel that it is a comical word and quite funny so that's why I chose it.
Seralyn R.
9/19/2022 09:29:52 am
The first word I choose was free dive because I love swimming and diving. The second word I choose was baller because it is a funny word to me. The last word I choose was sus because I said it all last year and I sometimes say it when somthing shocking happens.
9/19/2022 09:31:12 am
I chose the words terraform,side hustle, and level up. I chose the first word, terraform because of all the news of Elon Musk terraforming mars for humans to live there and I'm very interested on what will happen in the future. I chose the second word, side hustle because I thought it was already a word and i'm surprised it isn't because many people have a side hustle or a side job. Finally, my last word is level up because when someone says they leveled up or something it usually means they improved on something and improving is important.
830 - Ivan
9/19/2022 09:31:55 am
3 words I chose and why:
The first word I choose is Metaverse because this word reminds me of a game that I play today using the word Metaverse. The second word I choose is Cringe because it made me curious that the dictionary adds a word I think is a kid's unnecessary bad word. The third word I choose is Yeet because I also think the word is not proper and used only for kids.
Kimberly Z.
9/19/2022 11:58:46 am
I chose the words Greenwash, booster dose, and Larp. I chose Greenwash because it means to make something more/less environmentally friendly, which has become a big topic in society today. I chose booster dose because a lot of people have been getting a booster dose for Covid-19. I chose Larp because I like to play role- playing games.
milo r.
9/19/2022 02:32:59 pm
I chose the word laggy because the school internet is laggy.
9/19/2022 02:45:31 pm
The 3 words I chose:
3 words I choose are
9/19/2022 03:40:25 pm
dumbphone: perfectly describes my phone
Ella- 810
9/19/2022 04:56:12 pm
3 chosen words:
9/19/2022 05:07:26 pm
I want TO study law*
9/19/2022 05:01:40 pm
adorakable- I chose this because I thought it was a unique word and I find it similar to how I am
9/19/2022 06:56:43 pm
I chose the words pwn, LARP and shrinkflation.
I chose the words Laggy, Side hustle and Terraform. I chose laggy because it happens to me often in school, to the point where my computer needs to load for half an hour. I chose side hustle because I believe that side hustles are great ways to make money, and a lot of people my age should make one. I chose terraform because I believe that it might be important in the future, as we may need to move.
9/20/2022 11:19:06 am
yeet- because i used to say it a ton
9/20/2022 12:15:40 pm
I chose the words grape, peaches, and compassionate because the first two are my favorite fruits, and fruits are very important and you should eat them everyday. As for compassionate, I think I can use that word to describe myself.
9/20/2022 12:26:55 pm
The words I chose:
Ivan Chen
9/20/2022 12:53:56 pm
The three words I choose are birria, janky, and banh mi
9/20/2022 02:46:40 pm
The words are:
9/20/2022 05:16:27 pm
My words I chose:
Elena J
9/20/2022 06:03:37 pm
The three words I chose are: cringe, level up, and oat milk. The reason I chose cringe is because I never knew that it wasn't a word, I feel like I hear it all the time. The second word I chose is level up because I've been hearing that for years and it's surprising that it's only becoming an official word in the dictionary this year. The last word I chose was oat milk simply because I really like oat milk.
9/20/2022 06:07:25 pm
The three words I chose are dawn chorus, gift economy, and sus. I chose dawn chorus because I love the sound of birds in the morning. I chose gift economy because it’s cool that people give others things for free. I chose sus because everyone has been using it especially in 2020 when Among Us was popular.
9/20/2022 06:09:27 pm
The words that I picked are LEVEL UP because every day I want to level up and get better at things in life. The second word is SUS and I chose this word over the pandemic I used to play a video game and used to say the word a lot. The third word I picked is YEET because I used to say this a lot growing up
victoria 830
9/21/2022 06:14:05 am
i chose the word "SUS" from the dictionary because it reminds me of a game called among us and like it just feels cool and like it means suspicious too so it matches the game. the second word i chose was "dumb phone" and that one is an interesting one because its like representing the phone is like dead but yeah that's interesting. the third word i chose "yeet" because when i play any sports with a ball i would like shoot the ball in the net and its actually in a dictionary like whatt that's cool.
9/21/2022 06:15:40 am
The first word I pick is sus because it is a very popular word that everyone uses and I say it a lot. The second word is Level up because I always want to get better at things in my life. The final word is Dumbphone because I think it is funnier than saying cellphone.
9/21/2022 06:16:22 am
1. Laggy: I chose this word because I didn't know it was just added as a word. I use it a lot in daily life.
9/21/2022 06:19:09 am
I chose the words greenwash, sponcon, and mud season. The word greenwash means to make a product seem environmentally friendly when it is not and I chose it because I keep hearing about companies that greenwash their products. In addition, I chose the word sponcon which is when an influencer makes a post that advertises a product but it dosent seem like a product is being advertised and I chose this because a lot of times I see videos in which the poster is showing clothing and saying how much they like it but it dosen't seem like an ad. Lastly, I chose the word mud season which is when it is really muddy outside and I chose this word because when I go to places outside the city, its sometimes really muddy and I've never been able to use a phrase that describes that.
9/21/2022 06:22:24 am
I choose
9/21/2022 06:33:56 am
The new words that I chose are Space force, sus and cringe. The reason I chose sus is because there are many uses for sus like suspicious and impostor. The reason I chose my second word space force because it is a new military branch which is very cool. My last word is cringe and this word is cringe to even say.
9/21/2022 08:01:48 am
I chose "dawn chorus," "terraform," and "greenwash." I chose dawn chorus because birds singing during during seems to sound very good to me and I'd like to hear it. I chose terraform because transforming planets outside of earth is very interesting to me. I chose the word greenwash because it seems like what a lot of companies these days are doing.
9/21/2022 08:28:30 am
I chose the words "sus", "pwn", and "dumbphone". I chose sus because I have been playing a game recently with my brother and cousins and the game basically made the word "sus". I chose pwn because I like to defeat people who I face in a game with my friend during lunch. I also chose the word level up because I have level up in games and I want to keep on doing it.
9/21/2022 08:36:39 am
I chose
9/21/2022 11:23:46 am
I pick sus,cringe,and supply chain because sus has been a meme for a long time since when among us was made and it's all over tick tock and Youtube. Another word I pick Is cringe because on Youtube every one using it. supply chain. Every thing is a supply chain.
9/21/2022 01:10:45 pm
I choose these word
9/21/2022 02:16:20 pm
I picked these 3 words: side hustle, greenwash, and dumbphone
9/21/2022 02:18:34 pm
Ignore the 'of' in the last sentence
9/21/2022 03:53:44 pm
Laggy: Happens a lot when I games so I can relate to the word
9/21/2022 06:30:17 pm
Galentine’s Day
The words I chose:
9/21/2022 07:30:37 pm
I choose level up because it kind of mean to improve and this is what I want to do this school year with my grades and also I choose galantine’s day i choose this word because I thought it was really interesting and. It sounds like a perfect holiday to celebrate with your friends and for the the last word I chose laggy because that happens to me often when I using a device
9/22/2022 06:02:37 am
i have chosen the words:
Cole F
9/22/2022 10:55:23 am
I chose Yeet,janky, and sus because I think of those all as non professional words that I didnt think would ever be accepted into the dictionary
9/22/2022 12:12:21 pm
The three words I chose are pwn, banh mi, and false negative. Firstly, I chose pwn because it doesn't sound or look like a word to me, and it also weird because it doesn't have any vowels. In addition, I chose banh mi because it sounds kind of like 'ban me' which is funny to me, although I have terrible humor. Lastly, I chose false negative because it shows how much of an impact COVID - 19 has had on our society.
9/22/2022 12:53:51 pm
Galentine's Day - I never knew there was a holiday after Valentine's Day where people would celebrate friendship.
Teng Z
9/22/2022 01:00:12 pm
3 words I chose and why:
Yonah S.
9/22/2022 02:09:31 pm
3 word I chose and why I chose them:
9/22/2022 03:45:02 pm
These are the words I chose:
Jason L.
9/22/2022 04:09:14 pm
Laggy: I'm lagging in the brain and i'm laggy in game, I use this word as an excuse for not just things in game but when I have a delayed response of delayed action irl
Vincent Yoh
9/22/2022 04:13:05 pm
I chose
Tre 810
9/22/2022 04:25:29 pm
Sponcon: Basically an add by an influencer, I chose this word because I see this almost every day.
9/22/2022 04:43:56 pm
I chose:
I chose these 3 words:
Ivan 820
9/22/2022 05:12:25 pm
the 3 words i chose are
9/22/2022 05:21:57 pm
I chose the words laggy, yeet, and booster dose. I chose laggy because I am always lagging whenever I play video games. I chose yeet because that is what one of my favorite YoutTuber says. I chose booster dose because it reminds me of COVID vaccine.
Wei Hao
9/22/2022 05:25:48 pm
Laggy: something I experience a lot and it's super annoying, so I use it almost everyday
Ya Qin
9/22/2022 05:46:32 pm
1. Surface wave - I picked this word because the meaning is "an earthquake vibration propagated near the surface of the earth" and it sounds cool and interesting.
9/22/2022 05:50:07 pm
The words I chose:
9/22/2022 06:08:29 pm
I chose the word sport because I love sports and all I ever do is play sports. I chose the word dumbphone because I think it is funny how now phones that have advanced software is "dumb." And lastly I chose the word Outer Banks because I love the netflix show.
9/22/2022 06:26:56 pm
I chose the words: janky, unbanked, and mud season. I chose janky because my computer is very janky, unbanked because my money is unbanked, and mud season because I hate mud season.
9/22/2022 07:18:48 pm
I chose 3 words, which were video doorbell, supply chain, and laggy. First, I chose video doorbell because when people have these installed in their houses, there usually comes funny encounters when viewing the footage. Second, I chose supply chain because many businesses have this, and they are very important to them and to normal people like us. Third, I chose laggy because being on the internet for a long time, many people have used this term a lot, whether when they are playing games or just having a normal conversation.
9/22/2022 11:10:25 pm
The 3 words I have chosen:
9/23/2022 04:40:26 am
I chose the words terraform, hoglet, and baller. I chose the word "terraform" because I've heard people say it for as long as I can remember and always assumed that it was a word in the dictionary. I chose hoglet because I've used the word before it appeared in the dictionary. I chose the word "baller" because I think that it's a great word to use to describe something.
9/23/2022 06:05:52 am
my 3 words
9/23/2022 06:08:43 am
I choose the words Sus, Baller, and Cringe
9/23/2022 06:14:40 am
i choose the word sport because i really love sport especially volleyball . my second word i chose was laggy because im on the internet everyday and it's a great excuse to pretend i cant play when i dont feel like it and sometimes and i also use this term in real life as a joke. My last word is mojo i feel like it something that is rarely say and that makes it unique
Zan Mei
9/23/2022 06:29:47 am
My 3 words:
9/23/2022 09:41:12 am
i chose sus, laggy, and cringe because there 3 wrods i know very well
9/23/2022 09:42:30 am
Laggy - I use the word when I'm delayed in a game.
9/23/2022 10:50:26 am
I choose the words
amanda cheung
9/23/2022 10:52:17 am
bahn mi- I love eating bahn mi sandwiches
9/23/2022 11:23:43 am
I choose the words oatmilk, cringe, and banh mi. I chose oatmilk because its a good substitute for milk. I chose banh mi because I really like it and I chose cringe because i use that word a lot and see it a lot when i go online.
9/23/2022 12:16:41 pm
My 3 words
9/23/2022 01:08:40 pm
The three words I chose:
9/27/2022 01:48:29 pm
the three words I chose:
Riley Hunt
10/6/2022 11:05:22 am
I think that social media should be censored for a certain age because little kids shouldn't be seeing certain things on social media but it doesn't matter for older kids.
Jason L.
10/6/2022 04:18:04 pm
I don't think social media should be censored because everyone grows up and learns the things on social media anyway and little kids shouldn't be searching up random stuff or even should be allowed to access social media.
10/12/2022 05:17:18 am
Social media should be censored because some kids are not ready to see and because it’s not appropriate for most
Lucas l
10/14/2022 01:56:45 pm
I chose lag because that’s something that happens to me often.
10/17/2022 04:22:26 pm
I choose sus,laggy,cringe because I use those words a lot and I think there really funny
Davonte parham
10/24/2022 09:29:22 am
My word is Body wave and why because body wave is talking about an earthquake that an vibration transmitted through the earth's interior and a hairstyling process for creating body waves like which include body waves, add curl or body to naturally straight or very limp hair.
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